e5 Relay

  • Set it & Forget it

    e5 Relay is easy to setup and once connected, it operates at all times.  One day, you’ll forget that you’re using it.  That is the essence of a device that is successfully integrated into a home.

  • Peace of Mind

    e5 Relay provides the hassle free, upgrade free, long term use that is required of a device intended for home use.  Unlike modern day smartphones, and wifi enabled devices, e5 Relay works in the background without ever needing a reset, re-install or upgrade.

  • Control what you want

    e5 Relay allows you to control the electronics you want.  Flexibility is an essential product feature for us, allowing our product line to grow with your needs.

eZ3 Switch

  • Remote Control

    eZ3 Switch adds the ability to remotely control one or more relays.

  • Freedom

    The goal of eZ3 Switch is to go beyond just the wall switch and allow you to control your electronics from anywhere in the room.

  • Simplicity

    Continuing our theme of ease of use and out of the box usability, we have decided to forego any wifi connections and allow you to directly control your devices with a simple remote.  Easy.

e5 Switch

  • Set it & Forget it

    e5 Switch is easy to install and once connected operates without any need for upgrades.

  • Peace of Mind

    You’ll never worry about the e5 Switch.  It doesn’t require any maintenance, upgrade or otherwise tinkering with any part of it.

  • Control what you want

    You get complete control over any aspect of your home lighting or other electronics.

e5 Panel

  • End to end control

    e5 Panel will be designed to provide end-to-end control of your home.  From energy usage, to device control, the e5 Panel will allow you to expand your knowledge and control over your home.

  • Energy monitoring & predictive analytics

    The e5 Panel will provide you with the ability to monitor your home’s energy usage.  It will also provide you with the tools and data you need to make better decisions about your home.

  • 5G Integration

    We are working hard to incorporate 5G network standards into our future product lines.

Copyright - e5 Global Innovations, Inc 2013 - 2015